Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Final Project: Plan & Reflection

Learning Design Blueprint

1. Overview of Topic

This is a course designed for beginners in the Java language, aiming to teach you the knowledge requirement for printing a pyramid in Java. Through two lessons, you will be introduced to the Java online compiler, variables, loops, and the creation of simple patterns, culminating in the ability to print a pyramid shape with Java code.

Lesson Plan

Big Idea

Java is a powerful programming language with applications in many fields. By learning the basics of Java, including printing text, using variables, and constructing loops, beginners can build a strong foundation for future programming journeys. This course allows learners to apply their knowledge to create visual patterns, improving creativity coding.

Learning Outcomes

As we briefly mentioned in the Big Idea, the learning outcomes of this program are for learners to gain basic theoretical and practical knowledge of Java programming.

At the end of the program, learners can:

  • Use the W3schools Java online compiler to write and run Java code.
  • Understand and apply Java print statements and variables (integer, string, char).
  • Understand and implement for and while loops for pattern generation.
  • Write a program to construct a pyramid shape using loops and variables.

Evidence of Learning

Evidence of learners’ learning will be demonstrated in the following ways:

  • A recap quiz at the beginning of Lecture 2 on the content of Lecture 1.
  • Interactive quizzes embedded in lecture video to test understanding of loops and pattern creation.
  • Programming exercises where learners replicate and modify example code.
  • A final pyramid program written by learners, demonstrating their ability to combine concepts from the course.


This course assesses student learning outcomes in several ways.

  • Quizzes at the end of each lesson (usually multiple choice and judgement questions)
  • Commentary on each lecture’s post and narrative of what they have learnt or feedback on problems they have encountered.
  • Evaluation of the final exam completed by learners individually.
  • Create a program that calculates and prints the area of a rectangle.
  • Making a pyramid in Java using For/While Loop.

Learning Activities

We have the following activities to progress the lesson and enable students to achieve our desired outcomes:

  • Each lecture is published as a post on the WordPress blog, which contains the lectures recorded by our team members, providing clear explanations for learners.
  • H5P is used to make the videos interactive during the course, with a pre-lecture Recap quiz and a What Did You Learn Quiz at the end of the lecture.
  • Involve learners in discussions, with each learner commenting and providing feedback after watching posts and completing learning resources.
  • Encourage students to follow the steps of the course with hands-on code examples.
  • The final lecture initially guides the learner through the construction of the pyramid program, after which the student will independently complete his or her own final pyramid code.

3. Lesson Plan

Lesson Description:Total Time: 14 minutes
This lecture covers the use of W3schools’ Java online compiler. Learners are then introduced to basic print methods (System.out.println()), the syntax for printing text, and the use of variables, including integer, string, and char types.7 minutes
This lecture introduces while/for loops in java, demonstrating iterative printing. Learners will combine loops and variables to print increasingly complex shapes, starting with simple triangles and eventually pyramids.7 minutes


Discussion of how each member has contributed to the project

blog writingcourse planningcourse planningvideo creating 
h5p media makingslide making outline makingscript planning
final exam makingscript planningscript planningsubtitle making
blog formatting and postingwriting part of the reflectionwriting part of the reflectionH5P question Making
writing part of the reflectionwriting parts of the reflection 

Media and Tools Used


  • Video
  • WordPress blog post


  • Youtube (to create video and subtitle)
  • Zoom (to record videos)
  • Google Docs (for project planning and script making)
  • WordPress (to create course web page and blog post)
  • Java Online Compiler(java compiler)

Principles, Theories and Techniques Used

The TPACK Framework

CK – This course will focus on explaining several of the fundamentals of Java, and the instructor demonstrates mastery of subject matter knowledge by showing code samples and running them.

PK – This course first teaches students to print knowledge and then for/while loop, step-by-step, gives students the ability to realize the print pyramid on their own. The course quizzes and comment/discussion activities also allow students to be more active learners.

Cognitive Load Theory

  1. Eliminate extraneous images by only putting images of code examples. (Coherence principle)
  2. Record video in a quiet environment to eliminate extraneous sounds. (Coherence principle)
  3. Use the mouse to point out the part where I am trying to talk about in the video to draw the audience’s attention (Signaling principle).
  4. Use an image with the important part of the code to show how it is done.(Signaling principle).
  5. Displaying both the code on the slides and the online Java compiler aligns with the Redundancy Principle. We first teach the students the concept of coding by showing them pictures on the slides, then use the compiler to show them again how it actually works. The slides show the main points, like key syntax or structure, while the compiler lets us see the code running in real-time. This avoids repeating the same information and helps learners focus and understand better without feeling overwhelmed.
  6. Course recorder use conversational language and place himself in the upper right corner using a camera(personalization principle)
  7. Spoken in the first or second person(personalization principle)
  8. Use human voice (voice principle)

Active Learning 

Coding is language, in order to learn a language, we have practice speaking and writing it. This is why I invite the audience to code along while watching the video for deeper learning. Active learning can also help students develop critical thinking skills which is an important concept in learning.

Backward Design

We began with the ultimate goal of teaching learners to print pyramids independently, and the activities in the following lessons are designed to achieve our ultimate goal. We also use a constructive alignment approach to course design, where all of the learning output,assessments,activities, of the plan are in service of the ultimate desire.

Universal Design for LearningUDI)

We used contrasting colours, mainly black and white in our slide design to maximize readability for all audiences, including those who are colour-blind, as these are the easiest colours for people to distinguish and also align with our coding teaching theme.

By focusing on one concept at a time, we make it easier for learners to absorb and process information without being overwhelmed by too much content at once. This step-by-step approach helps learners build understanding gradually. This reflects the Cognitive Load Theory.


We have taken into account the fact that some students may be hard of hearing or unable to turn on the sound, and we have added subtitles to the videos, an inclusive design that can also benefit non-native English speakers.

Script (What Tommy Has to Say In the Video)

Lecture 1 (Print statement and Variables)

  1. Introduce Java
  2. Introduce Java Online Compiler (open the link on this slide, click “try it yourself” and start coding with me) active learning
  3. Java prints statements and variables(explain the right page is for programming and the left page prints out a message on how many ways to print integers and make integers into variables) 
  4. you don’t have to worry about public class main and public static void main for this lesson, if you’re really into Java, you will learn more about it as you discover the language.
  5. print statement
  6. integer
  7. string
  8. char
  9. printing variables

Lecture 2 (For/While loop)

  1. Introduce while loops
  2. Increment and decrement
  3. for loop
  4. 3statment about for loop
  5. inner loop


“Quiz questions for Java on the topic of for/while loop, print and variables” prompt. ChatGPT, 29 Nov. version, OpenAI, 3 Dec. 2024,

ChatGPT is used to assist the process of making the final exam for this java tutorial. This can bring a wider variety of questions to the exam. A few modification was made on the generated result since some of the questions are not included in the tutorial video. Also, some of the questions are unnecessarily complicate for beginners.

Java Boot Camp Pt2: For & While Loop


Now that you’re familiar with the basics of Java, it’s time to learn about loops! Loops are a key feature in programming, allowing you to execute a block of code multiple times. In this lesson, we’ll focus on two common types of loops in Java: for and while loops.

What is a For Loop?

A for loop is great when you know exactly how many times you want to repeat a task. Here’s the structure:

for (initialization; condition; update) {
    // Code to execute

Example: Printing Numbers from 1 to 5

for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {

1 2 3 4 5

What is a For Loop?

A while loop is ideal when the number of iterations depends on a condition being true. Here’s how it works:

while (condition) {
    // Code to execute

Example: Printing Numbers from 1 to 5

int i = 1;
while (i <= 5) {

1 2 3 4 5

For Loop vs. While Loop

For LoopWhile Loop
Use when iterations are known.Use when iterations depend on a condition.
Initialization, condition, and update are in one line.Initialization and update are written separately.

Practice Activity

  1. Watch the video tutorial below and finish the pop quiz inside.
  2. You are ready! now take our ultimate final exam to prove yourself!
  3. Independently use the Java language to print a pyramid using what we have learned in these two lessons (print syntax, variables, for/while loop), using the character “*” and the number of pyramid levels to be three or more.

Java Boot Camp Ultimate Final Exam

* The contents in this final exam is made with assistance of ChatGPT 4o

Grade scale:

  • 11/11: A+
  • 8/11: A
  • 6/11: B
  • 4/11: C
  • 0-3/11: D

Send the output pyramid visual pattern in the comments section and ask questions if you have any.


“Quiz questions for Java on the topic of for/while loop, print and variables” prompt. ChatGPT, 29 Nov. version, OpenAI, 3 Dec. 2024,

Java Boot Camp Pt1: Print/variable


Welcome to your first step in learning Java! In this lesson, we’ll cover two fundamental building blocks of Java programming: print statements and variables. These concepts are essential for displaying outputs and storing data in your programs. If you’re ready, let’s dive in!

Our Study Tool: W3School

For this journey, we’re using the beginner-friendly online compiler available on W3Schools to guide us. Let’s dive in!

What is a Print Statement?

In Java, the System.out.println() method is used to display messages or data on the screen. It’s a simple but powerful way to see the results of your code. Here’s an example:

System.out.println("Hello, World!");

Hello, World!

You can also combine text and variables to make your outputs dynamic. For example:

int age = 25;
System.out.println("Your age is: " + age);

Your age is: 25

What Are Variables?

Variables are containers for storing data. Each variable has:

  1. Type (e.g., int, String).
  2. Name (what you call the variable).
  3. Value (the data it holds).

Example: Declaring and Initializing Variables

int age = 25; // Integer type
String name = "Alice"; // String type

You can use these variables in calculations or to store user input. For example:

int a = 5;
int b = 10;
int sum = a + b;
System.out.println("Sum: " + sum);

Sum: 15

Practice Activity

  1. Watch the video tutorial below and finish the pop quiz inside.
  2. Create a program on W3Schools that calculates and prints the area of a rectangle. (Hint: Use length * width.)

If you have any thoughts or questions about the lecture, please feel free to comment below.

Module 5: Storytelling and Creating Video

Twine Story Telling

This is an interactive story about launching a rocket into space, where every decision you make shapes the outcome of the mission. From handling technical challenges to navigating unexpected situations, your choices will determine whether the mission ends in success or failure. Dive in and see if you have what it takes to guide the rocket to its goal!

Here is the link to the game: Rocket Launch Adventure

A story with multiple branches, like the one made for rocket launch, gives a lively learning environment to students. It promotes them to make active choices, think critically and comprehend cause-and-effect relationships. Within the scenario of rocket launching narrative, learners study how decisions such as postponing a launch or moving forward despite dangers can result in different effects. They can evaluate consequences of their actions through this process which helps enhance problem-solving abilities and flexible thinking skills. When learners are given agency, branched narratives captivate them both emotionally and intellectually. This makes the learning process more engaging and something they will remember.

Video for Learning

In the video, I plan to show a simple, step-by-step guide on how to make a classic margarita from scratch. The goal is to make the process easy to follow for anyone, whether you’re a beginner or a cocktail enthusiast. By breaking it down into clear steps with visual demonstrations, I want viewers to feel confident recreating this refreshing drink at home. The video will be both instructional and fun, highlighting how a few simple ingredients can come together to create the perfect margarita.

Storyboard & Script

Short Video

Capturing video away from the screencast was an exciting but slightly more complex experience. It required me to think about not just the content but also the visuals, framing, lighting, and overall flow of the video. One of the main challenges I faced was ensuring that the setup looked clean and professional while working with the tools and space I had. Adjusting the camera angles to get the perfect shots for each step of the margarita-making process took more time than expected, and it was tricky to avoid shadows or uneven lighting.

On the other hand, what I found easier was working hands-on with the ingredients and demonstrating the steps. It felt more natural and engaging compared to narrating over a screencast. The tactile process of actually doing something in front of the camera helped me connect more with the content.

Next time, I would plan the setup more thoroughly, perhaps experimenting with better lighting beforehand and testing camera positions to save time during the shoot. I would also consider scripting and rehearsing transitions between steps to ensure a smoother and more polished final video.

Comment to Other’s Post (Aiden Lattanzi)

Module 4: Design Principles for Effective and Accessible Multimedia

WAVE Accessibility check

After running the WAVE Accessibility check on my blog, I found that it overall met accessibility standards well. The structure is organized with headings, making navigation smooth for screen readers. The color contrast was right, providing good readability for users with visual impairments. However, there are still some areas could see some improvement. For example, adding detailed descriptions to images would ensure users who rely on screen readers get the full context. These improvements would help make the content better for everyone to read.

Canva Infographic about Smoking:

My Canva infographic about smoking is harmful

Design Principles :


The use of contrasting colors (black and red on a light background) makes the text stand out and draws attention. The word “KILLS” in red emphasizes the most critical part of the message, making it looks alarming.


The poster uses a clear hierarchy to guide the viewer’s eye. The large, bold “IT KILLS” text and the big cigarette serves as the primary focal points, immediately delivering the key message. The body text is smaller, providing additional information.


The text is well-aligned, creating a neat and organized look by aligning all text in the middle of the poster.


The cigarette adds context to the topic without being overly graphic. The smoke trails naturally lead the eye toward the text, creating a visual flow that reinforces the theme.


The poster keeps the design simple and uncluttered, ensuring that the main message isn’t lost. This approach helps the viewer quickly understand the purpose without being overwhelmed by too much content.

Color Choice:

Red is used strategically to bring a sense of danger and urgency, while black provides a neutral base that reinforces the message and the seriousness.


To me, inclusive design means creating products, content, and environments that are accessible and usable for people of all levels of capabilities. It’s about understanding the diversity of users and designing in a way that considers different perspectives from the start point, rather than treating accessibility as an afterthought or an optional feature.

To make my infographic more accessible, adding a color blind filter is a potentially effective modification. This feature will allow users with color vision deficiencies to adjust colors in of the content to shades they can distinguish.

Module 3: Principles of Learning Design and Active learning – Drivetrain of Vehicles

Main Idea: Understanding Vehicle Drive Types

When shopping for a car, the vehicle’s drive type can make a big difference in handling, fuel efficiency, and stability in various conditions. Let’s dive into three main types: Rear-Wheel Drive (RWD), Front-Wheel Drive (FWD), and All-Wheel Drive (AWD).

Rear-Wheel Drive (RWD):

How a Car's Drivetrain Works | The Art of Manliness

In RWD vehicles, power is directed to the rear wheels. This setup allows better balance and handling, especially in sporty or high-performance vehicles. RWD is also common in trucks because it distributes weight better when towing or carrying heavy loads. However, RWD can be less stable in wet or icy conditions due to its rear-wheel focus, which may cause fishtailing on slippery surfaces.

Front-Wheel Drive (FWD):

FWD vehicles direct power to the front wheels. This setup improves fuel efficiency, making it popular in compact cars and many family vehicles. FWD provides better traction in mild, everyday conditions, particularly on slippery surfaces, since the engine’s weight over the front wheels helps grip the road. While it’s highly practical, FWD is less ideal for high-speed performance, as it tends to have less sharp handling than RWD or AWD setups.

All-Wheel Drive (AWD):

AWD sends power to all four wheels, either full-time or when needed. This improves traction on rough or uneven surfaces, making AWD ideal for driving in unpredictable weather or off-road conditions. AWD is common in SUVs and some crossovers, as it provides confidence in diverse conditions. However, AWD vehicles are generally less fuel-efficient and can cost more due to the additional complexity of the drivetrain.

And here is a youtube vedio which explains everything in detail:

Now Let’s play a little game to test if you know which car to get

The Overview Plan from This Lesson:

Big Idea: Help learners understand the differences between Rear-Wheel Drive (RWD), Front-Wheel Drive (FWD), and All-Wheel Drive (AWD).

Learning Outcomes: Identify the pros and cons of each drive type and know where they’re most useful.

Evidence of Learning: Successfully match drive types to their benefits in the drag-and-drop game.

Assessment: Performance in the drag-and-drop game to confirm understanding.

Learning Activities: Read the descriptions of each drive type and practice with the drag-and-drop matching game.


I enjoyed creating this interactive lesson! Using H5P to make the drag-and-drop game was engaging and intuitive, making it easy to remember each drive type’s unique benefits. I like how H5P allows different learning styles. Scaffolding was a key part of my design. The descriptions provided foundational knowledge before learners moved to the game for practical application.

Exploring Shark Tank Simulator with ChatGPT through the SAMR Model

Game Experience

In this post, I’ll be diving into the Shark Tank Simulator, where ChatGPT plays the role of a virtual host, guiding players through the Shark Tank experience. As a player, I had the opportunity to pitch my own business idea to AI-generated sharks. I found it fascinating how ChatGPT effectively set the stage, introducing the sharks and prompting me to engage in the dialogue. The experience was immersive, but also required me to role-play as the sharks myself, which was both a fun and challenging element. The only downside of this game is the amount of text I have to type. I got a bit bored after 30 mins.

“Shark Tank Simulator” On ChatGPT

GPT’s SAMR analysis of Sharktank Simulator

  • Substitution: ChatGPT replaced the traditional host role by narrating the experience, but it didn’t drastically change how the game was played. The AI facilitated the basic flow of the game, much like a human host would.
  • Augmentation: ChatGPT enhanced the experience with real-time responses, setting the tone and atmosphere that made the game feel more engaging. Its ability to seamlessly move between my pitch and introducing the next segment kept the flow natural.
  • Modification: The game’s interactivity improved significantly with ChatGPT. It allowed for personalized narration based on my actions and responses. As a player, I was able to modify the outcome by adjusting my pitch in real-time based on the AI’s narration. However, since I had to role-play as the sharks myself, it limited the depth of interaction I expected.
  • Redefinition: While the AI did a fantastic job as the host, there’s potential for redefining the experience by allowing ChatGPT to also play the sharks, making it a fully automated experience. The game, as it is, creates a unique space for practicing business pitching, but having the AI fully simulate the investors could add much more depth and learning potential to the experience.

OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT response on Shark Tank Simulator and SAMR model. ChatGPT.

Reflection on the Experience

The Shark Tank Simulator offers a fun and engaging experience, especially for aspiring entrepreneurs or those wanting to practice their communication and negotiation skills. I like how ChatGPT accurately simulated the personalities of each shark. The AI’s flexibility in adapting to user responses made the experience feel organic.

However, there are some limitations. At times, ChatGPT’s responses felt a bit formulaic, especially when sharks repeated similar lines in different pitches. Additionally, while the game does simulate investor behavior, it lacks the deeper emotional and financial stakes of a real-life business negotiation, which might limit how seriously players approach their pitches.

Another limitation is that the game doesn’t provide much visual or multimedia stimulation. While the conversations are engaging, adding more visuals could enhance the experience even further.

Ethical Considerations

While this simulation offers significant learning opportunities, it’s important to consider ethical implications such as AI bias and data privacy. Since ChatGPT learns from vast datasets, there could be inherent biases in the sharks’ feedback. Additionally, ensuring that player data is kept secure is vital when using AI tools like this in educational contexts (Bender et al., 2021).


The Shark Tank Simulator demonstrates how generative AI can transform learning experiences by simulating realistic interactions. It provides a great platform for users to practice pitching ideas in a dynamic, engaging way. While there are some areas for improvement, the game represents a significant step forward in how AI can be used for educational purposes.

Utilizing Media Principles While Screencasting

merging PDFs in Adobe Acrobat

In this screencast on merging PDFs in Adobe Acrobat I created using Zoom meeting, I applied several multimedia learning principles to enhance clarity and engagement. Following the Coherence Principle, I removed unnecessary information to focus solely on the steps required to merge PDFs, reducing cognitive overload. The Signaling Principle was utilized by highlighting important buttons and actions, guiding the viewer’s attention to critical steps.

I also employed the Modality Principle by pairing visual actions with spoken instructions, ensuring a balanced delivery of information through both visual and audio channels. Additionally, by using a conversational tone in line with the Personalization Principle, I aimed to make the tutorial feel more natural and engaging for viewers. This combination of principles helped create a clear, easy-to-follow guide for merging PDFs.


Hi everyone, My name is Shuyi, and I’m excited to be part of this course! I’m currently a final year computer engineering student, always eager to learn new skills and expand my knowledge. My favorite thing to cook is oven-baked beef ribs. There’s nothing like the aroma of perfectly baked ribs filling the house!
Looking forward to learning alongside all of you!

And here is my self Reflection.

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